I examine social patterns that are physical, material and perceived, exploring the constructions of identity, whether cultural, racialized, assumed, gendered, archetypal or universal. My work pays homage to the historical canon, both the artistic and the quotidian.

Means of Contact

Digital. illustration and photomontage


Peep Show

Digital. illustration on canvas and paper, multi-channel video installation
Truck Gallery off-site at the Central Calgary Public Library



egg tempera and digital illustration, plaster and mixed media


Home is where the art lives

Digital illustration created with the students of SD44
from Artists for Kids as the District-Artist-in-residence


we will be alright

Acrylic, ink and digital c-prints
Installation at Cartems with the Contemporary Art Gallery


Soft Spectacle

Silkscreen on canvas and mixed media


Soft Spectacle, Window

Commissioned by PopUp Downtown Regina

Photos by Michelle Brownridge

Installation and travel supported by the BC Arts Council


© 2024 by Janet Wang Studio.  Artwork, images and text may not be shared or reproduced without the artist’s permission